What is “The Refuge?”

Homedale Assembly of God believes that there is a large need to encourage, inspire, and love on the youth of our community. The youth today have a lot of challenges to overcome and our prayer is that we can be a part of that process. We are in the process of creating a fun safe place for kids. We are also in the process of reviewing community programs that will benefit kids and youth in our community. The word Refuge in the bible means.” a place of resort and safety “. It is used in the bible as a dwelling place, a high tower, a shelter and a place of hope.
For the past eight years we have held an Annual Car Show to help raise funds for the renovation of our youth building. We are grateful for all the support from our community. Renovations are currently taking place. Just recently we put a new roof on the center, security lighting and have installed a new yard and sprinkler system.
With the funds we have raised with the Car and Bike Show this has enabled us to put a fresh coat of paint on the exterior of the building. We have updated plumbing, installed a new heater and a/c unit. Things are happening! There is quite a bit of work to be done before we are completed with the renovations. But we are well on our way, thanks to the community.
Each week things are happening. We are so thankful for all the volunteers that have given of their time. Good things are happening, and better things are coming!!!!